Primetime Football League Network

13 October 2005

Week 6 Open Thread

Howdy. Emperor Hillbilly here.

So I've sent out the invites, which will give you total access to the PFL blog. That doesn't include access to the template, settings, and all kinds of stuff. If you're familiar with blogger, let me know and I'll make you an administrator. Warning: if you find that you enjoy blogger, it can be highly addictive. I've set up 4 already, though only 2 are really active. And I've replaced the html on my home page with blogger code, so check it out and see how crazy it can get.

I also tried to add a free NFL news feed in the sidebar, but it appears that javascript is really finicky on blogger.

On with the trash talk. Looks like some people don't have faith in the rednecks from tha Hill. Hey, it ain't just scoring that wins you games. Okay, well, maybe it is. But great coaching/GM work also helps, and it only took me 5 seasons, bitches. Yeah, that was me that started Alge Crumpler over Antonio Gates two weeks ago, resulting in a 6-point win. Methinks there ain't nobody else round these parts with the foresight and brilliance (I was smoking crack) to pull off a stunt like that. Hillbillies ain't in the bitch bidness no more. And someone forgot about my ancient QBs who lead the league in TD passes as well as Metamucil sales.


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